A Busy Week I Have Had...
Cushions for my local craft group... we are having a stall sometime in October... so us girls are busy making saleable items....
Remember we made the "wall of pot holders"?... well they have nearly all gone and that is just from visitor's to our craft rooms and one of our girls buying up for Christmas...

Here are the 2nd and3rd row additions to my ''ostrich round robin'' at IFQ... pinwheels was the pattern for the 2nd row... I have added mine to the corners... and flying geese for the 3rd row... PHEW finished just in time for the 4th row pattern to be given to us... if you get a chance go to the IFQ link and check out the gallery... wonderfully talented girls are over there.

This is my ''piece o cake'' BOM that I have been doing with a group of friends... sorry that it is a bit dark... each BOM was based on something to do with friendships....
As you can see even though I haven't been here to post I have been busy sewing away.
Now off to catch up with some little baskets.
Luv T xxx
I agree, very busy & beautiful work, I love the cushions.