Monday, September 01, 2014

New Life...

that's right ''new life'' to these
 they cost me $30 for the four of them
I used 3...
I added a bit of this 
(the green can wouldn't work boo hoo)
 and got this
 used some blocks I had hidden away
 added ties to them
 as someone would probably try and pinch them!!!
 not bad
 for a couple of days playing...
now that I have new glasses I can get back to my secret hand sewing...


  1. Anonymous9:28 AM

    wow and double wow Tarnyia these chairs look awesome,well done my friend.xx

  2. Love your recycled chairs and the great use of your blocks... But the green would look fabulous.....

  3. the chairs look great...well done........

  4. Oh go buy another can of it would look fabulous next to the red and blue. You did a marvelous job on them...& they'll look wonderful for the summer. :)

  5. your new look chairs and cushions look fantastic...

  6. Great job on the chairs, love a bit of recycling. The cushions are a master touch, as long as your little fluffball leaves them be! I have a larger fluffball and she is a menace around anything which has stuffing!
