I Finished This Today... No 14
I did make one of these for my ''Stitching Angel'' partner Vicki... when I was making hers I decided to cut out enough for two... I loved the large letters so much easier to applique with satin stitch no fiddly little corners or turns... it is really long and you could use it as a table runner as well...
Today it has been so cool... 34c and tomorrow they say 32c... may need to find jumpers hahahaha... Hubby and I are mustering or should say trapping goats this week... we have had no summer rain at all and the place is so dry... the goats are making such a mess of the land and hubby is having to cart water daily to windmills as they can't keep up with the amount of goats at each one and they are really there for our stock not the darn goats... we are hoping to get at least 500 this time... more if we can...
Luv T xxx
Hello Tarnyia, You have been a busy little beaver,lots of stitching and colouring going on. Glad you have had some cooler weather,its great isn't it. Hopefully we will see some rain sometime soon!!!! Have a wonderful day and good luck with the internet trouble,maybe you should get onto Mr Rudd after all he promised we could all have internet services!!!